How did you do at CVS this week? After an early fall of sub-par deals, they made up for it this week! The better sale was actually the 4 day Sun-Wed sale. The picture on the left is everything I bought on Monday (3 transactions at two different stores).
I had a few ECBs from last week to spend. So for 28 items in the picture on the left I paid $16.36 (tax not included). I took the ECBs leftover from those purchases and went back today to get the Thanksgiving Day sale items (pictured on the right)
After all the ECBs I spent $.54 on today’s purchases. I still had $.99 and $.88 ECBs from the previous transactions that I didn’t have to use today AND I got $17.14 ECBs back.
So total amount spent: $16.36 + $.54 = $16.90
Total ECBs leftover after all purchases: = $19.01
= $2.11 MORE in ECBs back that I actually spent for a profit on 32 items!
Here are the drugstore deals that are good through Saturday.
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