Operation Christmas Child – Do You Participate? Come Join the Conversation! #OCCGiving

Operation Christmas Child is a charity I’ve contributed to for MANY years. It warms my heart to provide gifts for this wonderful organization that does so much to reach people around the world!

We’ve packed several boxes already this year and I just picked up more boxes at my church yesterday to fill up with the rest of my stuff. I shop all year long for Operation Christmas Child.

Here’s one of the boxes we’ve put together so far. Probably my favorite one this year – for a 2-4 year old boy. Bug just turned 4, so it was easy to know what to put in this one. It’s special because I can imagine a little boy just like my son receiving this box!

You can see more of the shoeboxes we’ve packed so far here. I’ll be updating with the rest over the next week or two!

Last year, our church was the collection site in our community for the Operation Christmas child boxes. We volunteered to man the site for a couple hours during collection week. Here’s a picture of Bug “helping”. :)

As boxes of shoeboxes came in from other churches and organizations, they had to be moved out of the boxes they were in, placed on the table for counting and sorting and then repacked into certain boxes. Bug helped us move shoeboxes from the boxes they were brought in on to the tables. He asked questions about all the “presents” and I tried to explain what they were and where they were going as best as I could on his level. He doesn’t realize it, but those boxes he carried are going to impact children around the world and change their lives.

This year, he has watched me pack boxes. Occasionally he will see something that sparks his interest and say, “Can I have that?” and I will explain to him why he can’t have it and where it is going. He was really confused with the 2-4 boy box because I included a Thomas train. We had to go dig his out of his toy box to prove I wasn’t sending his train to someone else. And then I explained that somewhere far away was a little boy who didn’t have a Thomas the train and we were going to send him one. That made him happy!

How do you teach your children to be compassionate and generous?

Do you pack Operation Christmas Child boxes? How do you include the youngest family members into this task?

This holiday season build a box with your family to teach kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Operation Christmas Child and influencer marketing platform BlogFrog have teamed up with 200 bloggers like me to spread the word about this great cause.

BlogFrog will match the first 200 boxes that are built. Pledge your commitment below to build a box today on Facebook or Twitter!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Operation Christmas Child. The opinions and text are all mine.