Bring your own bag to CVS and save with your Green Bag Tag!

CVS rewards you for bringing your own reusable bags when you shop!

All you have to do is purchase a “Green Bag Tag” for 99c, attach it to your favorite reusable bag (I keep mine in my purse so it doesn’t matter which bag I have with me, I always have my tag) and have it scanned when you make a purchase and use your own bag.

After 4 scans you get $1 ECB. You are limited to one Green Bag Tag scan per day.

How quickly do those scans add up?  Well, take a look…

This is my most recent receipt from CVS.  I have used my Green Bag Tag 62 times.  I need to use it 2 more times to get another $1 ECB.  

When I get my next ECB, that will be a total of $16.00 ECBs I have received for using my own shopping bag!  That’s free money.  You can go in there to buy a candy bar, or pick up your prescription and use your bag tag.  Every time you do, it’s like you earn 25c.

If you haven’t gotten your Green Bag Tag yet, you are missing out on savings!