Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Back Pain (Giveaway Ends 9/19)

 Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Back Pain!: How to Handle Flare-Ups, Injuries, and Everyday Back Health Review and Giveaway

Do you suffer from back pain?  I do though it’s much better now.  My back pain started during pregnancy.  I can relate to the writer of the story on page 179, “Backed into a Corner”, whose back pain started then too.  She wrote about how it became hard to handle her three year old son because of her back pain.  She went on to how she began to take control of her health and after losing thirty pounds her pain is much better.  (I just lost 30 pounds too!)  She wrote about trying to hold three 10 pound bags of flour to get an idea of how much she lost.  I never thought about doing that so I tried it!  Except I had two 10lb bags of flour and two 4lb bags of sugar, but close enough!  I put one of each bag in grocery sack  and held one grocery sack in each hand.  WOW!  I can’t believe I had been carrying around that much extra weight!  No wonder my back hurt so much!

You can purchase Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Back Pain!: How to Handle Flare-Ups, Injuries, and Everyday Back Health on Amazon for $9.95.  Or you can enter to WIN one here:

The publishers are giving me THREE copies of the book to giveaway.  Giveaway will end 9/19/12 at midnight est

Enter using the rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

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