Frugal Summer Fun with Kids: Sun Baked S’Mores

Here’s another great, fun activity from Momondealz!

August 10th is National S’mores Day and summer is winding down.  Celebrate back-to-school with a special treat (no campfire needed!) Aren’t you s’more than ready for the kids to go back to school?  ;)

Sun Baked S’mores

Shoe Box
Plastic Wrap
Tin Foil
1 Sheet of Black Construction Paper
Graham Crackers
Hershey’s Chocolate Bars (save $1/2 with this coupon)
Craft Knife (adult use only)

1. Cut a rectangle in the lid of the shoe box and cover with plastic wrap.
2. Cover the bottom of the shoe box with tin foil.
3. Lay a small piece of black construction paper on top of the tin foil.
4. Break a graham cracker in half and lay each piece side by side on the black paper.
5. Place a piece of chocolate bar on one cracker and a marshmallow on the other cracker.
6. Cover the box with plastic wrapped lid and set outside in the sun. Allow chocolate and marshmallow to melt (obviously chocolate will melt quicker so you may want to put the marshmallow out before for a few minutes.
7. Enjoy your yummy s’more!

Ways to make this activity educational:
Language Arts: 1. Have your child create a journal entry about the activity. If they cannot write words yet, you can have them dictate OR have them draw pictures to tell the story. Telling a story using pictures is a big Kindergarten skill. 2. Have your child ID or circle letters on the food packages.
Math: 1. Have your child count the marshmallows in the package. 2. Time how long it takes for the s’mores to be ready. This is a great way to introduce a clock to your child by simply pointing out the numbers/hands and discussing how they move to show time. 3. Discuss the shapes used in this activity (rectangular of shoe box, rectangle of construction paper, rectangle of cracker, etc).
Science: 1. Have your child use their 5 senses to discuss the ingredients (texture of the materials used, sounds of tin foil, taste of s’more). 2. Discuss how the chocolate is a solid before going into the sun and then becomes a liquid. 3. Discuss shadows in the yard and the box should be placed in direct sunlight to make it melt faster.

find more: frugal summer fun for kids / summer vacation deals and ideas / check out the homepage for the latest deals

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