Beth Moore: A Heart Like His book review

I got to catch up on my reading at the beach a few weeks ago.  My favorite kind of books to read at the beach are ones that challenge my mind.  That may seem weird since you go to the beach to relax and anything “challenging” is the opposite of “relaxing”.  But for me, challenging my mind is relaxing and in the day-to-day chaos and the constant chatter and “Mommy, I need this”, “Mommy, please do this”, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!” there is little time to read anything that you have to concentrate on.

There’s no greater way to challenge the mind than to first challenge your heart.  I received a copy of A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David and I immediately knew I wanted this to be the book I reflected on while at the beach.

We all go through times when we feel insignificant or times when we feel certain that we have experienced a degree of failure from which there is no return. This is not a reality we experience alone, but is one that a man after God’s heart experienced as well.

In “A Heart Like His,” Beth Moore looks at this bond of mutual love and admiration between a man who was not unlike any of us and the one true God who is all good and all powerful. The book is an exploration of David’s incredible life, drawing spiritual insights from a man who boldly fulfilled his divine destiny not merely by what he did, but who he loved and served.

Bringing lessons from David’s life to bear on your own, this picture of a man who loved and followed God will help you to serve with a heart focused on Him no matter the circumstance.

I find studies on David to be interesting because he was such a man of God and yet he still failed so miserably at times (I mean committing adultery and having his mistress’ husband killed so he could have her is a pretty low point in anyone’s life.)  But despite his mistakes (that obviously happened when he took his heart and mind off of God) he still spent much of his life seeking God’s heart.  And if David can do it, despite his blunders, then there is nothing in my life or yours that can stop us from seeking God’s heart.

I hope you’ll pick up a copy of A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David .  You can get it in paperback for under $20 or download it to your Kindle (or other compatible device) for $9.99.

I received a copy of this book for review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.