Ready for the great outdoors? Get these great camping gear and toy deals!

If you and your family enjoy camping then you know that as soon as the weather gets nice you (and your kids!) start to get the itch to go out and camp. If it’s still not camping weather where you are then here are some ideas to help the family prepare.

Pretend Camp Indoors!

Some of the best times with the kids can be enjoyed right in your living room. Simply create a fort or pop a tent like the Campfire Kids Wilderness Tent and snuggle in for some fun! Create your own fake campfire with Campfire Kids Campfire and “cook” S’mores with Campfire Kids Roasting Sticks. Turn off the lights and shut the shades and let the kids turn on their Campfire Kids Lantern for that campout feeling! You can even find an entire pretend camping set Pretend and Play Camp Set for all your living room camping gear!

Read Camping Books

Find some camping books to read to get you ready to go!  These are also great to keep in your camping bag to take with you!

Camping Toys

Another way to build the excitement for summer is camping toys such as Mighty World Hiking and Camping or LEGO DUPLO® LEGOVille Caravan 5655! Perfect for birthday gifts or special events like pre-school graduation, etc.

So until the time comes for your first camping trip you and your family can still enjoy the special family time whether inside or simply reading/playing together. And that’s what it’s all about.

Thanks The Centsible Family!

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