Non-Candy Easter Egg Ideas

We have a candy problem in our house.  Bug thinks he needs candy all the time.  So I am determined to do a NO CANDY Easter basket.
Here are some ideas on little (non-candy) things to fill your Easter eggs with!
Easter eggs come in various sizes so there are things that will fit in the medium to large ones that you might not have thought about!
1. Stickers
2. Bouncy Balls
3. Bandaids (what kid doesn’t love character bandaids?)
4. Matchbox Cars
5.  Chapstick/Lip Gloss
6. nail polish
7. Hair Clips
8.  Small toy “bugs” for the boys
9.  Play jewelry for the girls
10. Individual fruit snack packs (for the bigger eggs)
11.  Puzzles pieces (what fun!  Buy a puzzle and fill eggs with a few pieces each.  Great for a hunt – then they have to assemble the puzzle to see if they found all the eggs!)
12.  Money!  Bills or coins.
13.  Prize tickets (extra half hour of TV, one day with no chores, etc.)
14.  Fun socks (bigger eggs)
Can you think of anything else for eggs?

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