Saturday Savings Tip – Have a Stockpile Swap!

Here’s a great idea for saving money AND a reason to get together with your best girlfriends! What could be better?

As a couponer, you know that you can accumulate quite a lot of stuff for cheap or FREE. When I get more of a particular item than I can use in a reasonable amount of time, I like to donate those items. But sometimes I find myself running low on some things too.

Fortunately, I have a very good couponing friend and when I mentioned that I had a ton of  medication that I would not be able to use before it expired, she told me to bring it and some of my other surpluses over and we’d swap. This is everything I took to swap.  Now mind you, all of these items were FREE or better when I purchased them.  So I’m losing nothing by swapping them.

For these items that I did not need, I was able to get items that I DID need:

My favorite hairspray, deodorant that Hubs likes, big bottle of multivitamins, 2 boxes of tampons, and a ream of computer paper.

This is close to $30 of stuff that I got for FREE by trading items I got for FREE!

So call your couponing friends and organize a Stockpile Swap!


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