We had enough candy to fill this bucket up twice. We did not NEED that much candy. So I decided to do something to get rid of most of it prevent a three year old meltdown. We bagged up most of the candy (Bug got to keep a few of the things he likes/can eat) and set it out on the back porch for the Candy Fairy to come pick up. (Bug asked why. I said to take to other boys and girls that don’t have any candy.) He was ok with this idea when I told him that the Candy Fairy would leave him a prize!
There was literally so much candy in the bag it was starting to rip at the bottom! I was trying to get him to hold it for a picture and he kept saying, “It too heavy!” So we set it out on the back porch before we went to bed. Then in the middle of the night, the Candy Fairy switched it for a prize! Now let me tell you about the Candy Fairy. She’s very frugal (she must read my blog!)
The bag was Bug’s bag from last year. Figured the “fairy” could swap out the bags since the other one was ripping. The tissue paper? From a Halloween gift I got a few days before. As for the “prize” inside? Two books bought from the Scholastic book club at school (I stock up on $1-$3 books for gift giving and when I need a
bribe prize), a box of fruit snacks from the stockpile and a Crayola Color Wonder on-the-go pack I aquired for free-after-coupon a few months ago. Cost to the fairy = $0. Technically, I did buy the books and most likely paid something for the fruit snacks (50c? $1?) But since this was a middle of the night raid on my stockpile, essentially it was free.
I wish I had a picture of him getting it this morning, but we had to be quick. He woke up saying, “I want candy.” Which has nothing to do with Halloween. 99% of the time he asks for a sucker for breakfast (even though I have never let him have a sucker for breakfast or anywhere near breakfast time…he can be relentless!) And I said, “No, we don’t eat candy for breakfast.” (Literally, most mornings that the first thing that comes out of mouth because he’s usually standing at the edge of the bed poking me saying, “I want candy breakfast.”) Then I reminded him that we left a big bag of candy on the porch. Before I could finish my statement, “I WANT MY CAAAAAANDYYY! I not leave it outside!!!!” (Insert wailing and gnashing of teeth). I quickly flung open the door and had to half drag him over there to see his “prize”.
“Oh, dat my prize?” he said, like he had just flipped his “calm switch” on. “I not have candies anymore?” So he dragged his new bag inside and climbed up in my bed and read his new books and ate fruit snacks (which I don’t usually let him have for breakfast but…lesson learned. Next year the Candy Fairy will leave a banana for breakfast!)
So, how are you handling all the candy?
Each day I remove a handful and bring to work to share with my co-workers!