Saturday’s Saving Tip – Make your own coffee at home!

Today’s Saving Tip comes from  Just Trying To Save Money! 

Coffee is a must have for most people! But it can get to be a really expensive habit! Instead of stopping by your local coffee shop every morning spending $3-$4 each day on your cappuccino or specialty coffee, invest in a coffee maker to either have at home or the office to cut hundreds each year! If you do some math and see just how much you could save each year just by making coffee at home, you could quickly see how that vacation you have been dreaming about may not be so hard to swing financially, just by a few cuts!

Most coffee is about $3-$4 each multiply that by 365 days a year and you are spending $1095-$1460 each year just on coffee! Invest in a good coffee maker ranging from $30-$60 and the cost of your coffee and creamer each week, you could be saving more than $700-$900 each year! What could you do with that money?

Grab this Cuisinart DCC-1100BK 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Black for just $54 at Amazon!

Need your Espresso or Cappuccino in the morning? Snag this DeLonghi EC5 Steam-Driven 4-Cup Espresso and Cappuccino Maker, Black for just $38! Here are just a few examples, there are many other options! With a few trips to your local retailers, you could probably find a great coffee maker for very little!

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