Money-saving Tip! Easy way to build your savings!

When it comes to saving money, no amount is too small. When you find a money saving tip that works for you, run with it! All those little savings add up.

Today’s tip helps you start your savings even when money is tight!

Have money automatically put in your savings account. Sometimes it’s hard to “save for a rainy day” but it’s an important thing to do!! My husband was laid off two years ago when his company shut down. He was without at job for almost a month. If we had not had money in our savings account, we would not have made it. Years ago, I set up our account to automatically take money from our checking account and put it in our savings account every time we get paid. I get paid on the 15th and the 30th. My husband gets paid every Tuesday. Our checks are direct deposited, so the same day they enter the bank our account moves a set amount to our savings account. It’s there and I don’t even have to think about it! In fact, when I balance the checkbook at the beginning of the month, I go ahead and write in that month’s automatic savings amounts. So when I look at my account ledger, that money is never even really there because I went ahead and wrote it “out” at the beginning of the month.
No amount is too small. If you can only do $5 or $10 per paycheck, do it! It adds up! And over time you can increase that amount!

How do you save for a rainy day?

Find more money saving tips!

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