BARE Air-Free Baby Bottles

This Mama Loves Her Bargains wanted to share her newest discovery, BARE Air-Free Baby Bottles, with us! Thanks Mama Bargains!

Priska Diaz is a mom-preneur who invented BARE Air-Free Baby Bottles, because she needed a good solution to a too common problem with baby bottles. All three of my kids took bottles, and all three of my kids had issues with different bottles. I can tell you that adding up numbers in my head that we literally spent hundreds of dollars on bottles before finding one that didn’t give our kids painful gas or cause them to spit up more than they already did. Ask any parent who’s walking like a zombie into the baby section of a store grabbing five brands of bottles off of shelves at 10pm on a Saturday night, and they’ll tell you how desperate you can become to find THE RIGHT BOTTLE.
I’m not saying that BARE is the “right” bottle for everyone, but reading about the design of the bottles and knowing that it was designed by a mom who knows the needs– well, it’s almost enough to make me have another baby so I can test them. (Almost). As a mom who breastfed all three kids, I love that these bottles are designed to work like a breast, and that the baby works on proper latch even with the bottle. Anything to keep that latch going strong and not “forgotten” by the easier to use bottle!! (Just a note, all three of my kids were in part formula fed). I like these bottles for ALL babies because of the no air thing- because that means less gas pains. So maybe it won’t be the right bottle for everyone, but I have a feeling in my gut that it will be the right bottle for MANY, and that’s why I have already done a contribution on Kickstarter to back the project. Not because I’ll benefit from it, but because I think this is an awesome product and serves a need that’s always going to be around. Its simple, straightforward, and fills a need.

BARE Air-Free Bottle:

  • Prevents gas and air ingestion with syringe-like dispensing technology
  • Teaches baby properly latching with expanding nipple that mimics the movement of natural breast
  • Eliminates “lazy” and comfort feeding with natural, slower flow and characteristics that mimic breastfeeding
  • Simplifies bottle maintenance with snap-on one-piece nipple and collar and dishwasher-safe parts
  • Prevents bacteria by minimizing backwash
  • Promotes self-feeding by allowing baby to drink from any position
  • Supports your values by being made in the USA, BPA, PVC, Lead & Phthalate free and supporting green corporate initiatives

Designed by a mom, BARE is a revolutionary new baby bottle that truly prevents gas and air. Designed to work just like a mother’s breast, BARE trains baby proper latching and self-feeding, prevents bacteria, simplifies cleaning. BARE will be available on store shelves in January 2012. Because the development and production of BARE is being funded by the mom inventor, we hope moms will visit the BARE project page at the fund-raising site called Kickstarter. Here, moms can support the project and be the first to receive these new, revolutionary bottles.

Aside from the design of the bottles, and how well I think they will work to mimic nature, which will hopefully mean a lot less painful gas and spitup for many, many babies, I love that these bottles are made in the USA, are safe in terms of materials used, and invented by a mom! I think not having to buy different “stages” for nipples is pretty fabulous too- this was something that WE (ok, ok. Mr. Bargains) had to run out to a store at 10pm on a Saturday, full-on bleary eyed, to find the next “nozzle” stage (his term not mine) because Busy was screaming incessantly at the bottle and I wasn’t making enough milk to satisfy her- but the nipple was too slow, as it turned out. Not having to stock up on nipples in a faster flow or having to check which “stage” nipple you are using just simplifies things!!

I’m hoping that you, my fabulous readers, will check out the Kickstarter site and read more about these fantastic BARE Air-Free Baby Bottles. I’m backing a fellow mom’s business endeavour- will you? This is my third time backing a project on Kickstarter site- the other 2 were successful and I hope this one is too.

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