Many dogs have come and gone in my lifetime. There have been times in my life where our family has been “dogless” (like now for instance) but I have always had a cat. When my mom’s cat of 13 years died when I was three we got another one and named her Prissy. That cat was like my sister. I mean, we grew up together! And then, one day I had to take her to be put down when she got sick and my mom was too sick with cancer to take care of her. I was 23. Do the math: 3 to 23, that cat lived for twenty years. I had already married and moved out and had another cat even, but Prissy was still my cat.
If you are a cat person, if you have a cat story, then you will love this book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat’s Life: 101 Stories about All the Ages and Stages of Our Feline Family Members
I enjoyed story #2 A Cat Named Garbage and the title of chapter 3 Do you know how much I knead you? made me chuckle. Oh, and then there was the cartoon of a cat lying on a couch with a thought bubble over his head that reads “Busy”. Yep, that’s a cat for you!
I started a story in the last chapter of the book, which are all stories about the loss of a pet, but couldn’t finish it. It was all too familiar. But we’ve all been there. If you’ve ever owned a pet, then chances are, you’ve lost a pet too.
I hope you’ll check out Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat’s Life: 101 Stories about All the Ages and Stages of Our Feline Family Members. You can purchase a copy from Amazon OR you can WIN one right here!
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