Dating on a Dime – take a walk!

How long has it been since you and your “other half” were on a date? If you are like me you are sitting there trying to remember. Has it been that long? Seems like everyone is cutting back their spending and trying to save more. But it is so important that we continue some things like spending quality time with our significant other. Not only do we deserve it, we NEED it! Madame Deals and Living on Love and Cents have teamed up to bring you Dating on a Dime. Go here to see the previous posts.

Spring is in the air. Is love? What can you do to make your romance come alive without spending a fortune? How about going for a walk and enjoying all that nature has to offer. I am a huge fan of scavenger hunts. How about making up a scavenger hunt and going for a nature walk. The first person to find all the items wins a back rub or foot rub when you are done your walk.

I am not sure about your husband but my husband will indulge me in anything that could result in a foot rub. There are some wonderful opportunities to embark on a journey. You never know what you will find. You could find more than a purple flower or a squirrel you could find the person that you originally fell in love with. Happy hunting!
