Being a Practical Couponer – Step 3: Be Kind

Intrigued by the hype over “extreme couponing”? Well, that’s just not practical for everyone. Here at saving Toward A Better Life the emphasis is on “practical couponing”.

Join me over the next several days as we talk about being a “practical couponer“!

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Step 3: Be Kind

1. Carry around your store’s coupon policy so you can dispute a cashier or manager when they are wrong. But be kind and if they just won’t relent, you can also have the items in question removed from your transaction or cancel it all together.

2. Don’t “clear the shelves”. Practical couponers maintain a modest stockpile for their family. “Modest” is the key word. If you can get free toothpaste, that’s great. But don’t take 17 tubes of it off the shelf. That’s excessive. Take 2 or 3 (or 4) and leave some for others. Clearly, if there are only one or two items left on the shelf, “clearing” it is unavoidable but that’s not really what it means to clear the shelf. Clearing the shelf is taking everything without any regard to others coming along that just want a couple deals for themselves.

Tune in tomorrow for more “practical couponing”!

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