If you would like a ticket for this train, all you have to do is follow these steps:
- Check out the Facebook pages of the two engineers (also known as the hostesses); $aving toward a better life and Buzzing the day away. We will be in the first two slots of the linky. Please also check out this week’s Featured Blogger who will be in spot #3. “Like” us and leave a comment on our wall with a link to your Facebook page and we WILL “like” you too!
- Link up your blog name and the URL to your Blog’s FACEBOOK PAGE. (You only need to add your info once and it will be seen on all lists).
- Grab our Thursday’s Train button (located in the left sidebar) and include it in a post on your blog to help us spread the word. The more people that know about this hop, the more fans you will get for your Facebook page! You can include the linky code (at the bottom of the post) if you like as well.
- Go to as many other Facebook pages on the linky as you want and “like” them as well. Be sure to leave a comment on their wall with a link back to you and let them know you rode over on Thursday’s Train!
- Be sure to “like” back any new fans you have gained through our Facebook Hop! A hop only works if people like and like back.
**** Featured Blogger ****
Each week one participant will be chosen at random to receive spot #3 on the following week’s train list. In addition to the #3 spot, we will also be posting an entirely separate blog post featuring this person and highlighting their blog and Facebook page!!
If you would like to be eligible for this fantastic exposure, you must follow the rules of the Train: follow hostesses, say “Hi” so we know you’re following and which blog is yours, and post the Train button on your page. (The train button is located on my sidebar)
thanks for the link! :) NEW HERE
Thanks for hosting! I look forward to getting to know you all better :) Here are my various links:
Ours+His+Mine=Nine! Blog