Monday’s Money Saving Recipe – Skillet Chicken with Fire Roasted Tomatoes

Okay, so that’s a completely made up name for something I completely made up that was actually edible!  I really need to start taking pictures of the final product!

Here’s what I used –

Frozen B/S chicken breasts (the bagged kind)
Hunt’s Fire Roasted tomatoes
Pasta (I used Linguine – but any kind would really work)
Sliced Black Olives

I put a little olive oil in a skillet and cooked the chicken until done (I seasoned the chicken with pepper and garlic salt).  I boiled the pasta while the chicken was cooking.  Removed chicken breast, drained the skillet.  Drained the pasta, added it to the skillet, put the chicken on top, add the fire roasted tomatoes and olives and heated it through.  I also sprinkled a bit of dried cilantro on top just for good measure.  And served it with a sprinkling of grated Parmesan on top.

Hubs said it was “okay” and I’ll take that!  I thought it was a simple dish – it wasn’t bursting with flavor, but sometimes I like something simple.  (I’m trying to avoid the word ‘bland’ – because it wasn’t…just can’t think of a better word.)  The fire-roasted tomatoes gave it a good flavor (regular tomatoes would’ve been ‘bland’). 

I liked this because it was all stockpiled stuff.  The chicken breast I stock up on when they are BOGO at Winn Dixie (I love them because you can cook them from frozen!  I also use them to make Chicken Quesadillas)  Canned tomatoes, pasta and olives are all things I get for close to free too!  If I had to guess, I’d say this dish (using 2 chicken breasts from the bag) cost around $3.  I made some Homemade Garlic Toast and a can of green beans flavored with onions making the whole dinner about $4!  :)))

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