Guess what I paid for an 11 pound turkey?

If you read the blog you know I loooooooooooove Winn Dixie!

Here’s how I got an 11 pound turkey for $2!!!

Butterball Turkeys are on sale for 99c/lb.  I used the $4 off Butterball Turkey wyb 4 participating products coupon from the November All You (also in 11/07 SS).  I will submit for a $5 NBPR rebate on the turkey

My turkey was 11.105 lbs and rang up $11 exactly.
-$4 coupon = $7 paid.
$5 rebate = $2 total paid for turkey!

Now you may be wondering, since I had to purchase participating products to use the $4 off turkey coupon, was it really a good deal?  Well, one of the participating products I could buy were Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. I buy Pillsbury Crescent rolls every time they are on sale.  We could easily go through 3-4 packs a week.  They just happen to be on sale this week 3/$5.  There is a catalina deal on them all December.  I actually bought 6 because of the catalina deal.  I had (2) 50c/2 off coupons and one 40c/2 coupon – they all doubled.  So I paid $7.20 for 6 packs and got a coupon for $3 off my next purchase.  So it was like paying $4.20 for 6 packs of crescent rolls and I got to use my coupon for the turkey! 

So if you look at just that portion of my purchase, I got a turkey and 6 packs of crescent rolls for $14.20 OOP.  After rebates and the catalina it was like paying $6.20 for it all!

See all of this week’s Winn-Dixie Deals.