Not very well actually….
The only tomato that’s come off the tomato plant was hardly bigger than a salad tomato and there are no flowers on the plant. :(
I’ve harvested one bell pepper and there are lots of flowers on the plant. So I still have high hopes for it.
My green beans are doing nothing. Any advice??
My chives are doing okay. The other herbs aren’t.
My lettuce has sprouted…but the heat is really getting to it.
For the last couple weeks, the highs here have been between 95 and 100 and heat indexes of 105 or more. Nothing is thriving…
Thank you for your post. My garden is so sad. FYI The biggest cause of "Tomato blossom drop" is this dreadful heat. Google this and every site will tell you day temps over 85 are not good, and even over 4 hours of temps over 100, will cause tomato plants to drop all blossoms and go into survival mode.
What gets me is some of my local friends' plants are producing nicely while most are having my same problem. Maybe it's the heat hardiness of their plants.
My cucumber vines have all dried up and zuccine plants have only produced a few fruits and have died off. We watered plants everyday.
I miss my fresh veggies and am ready to move to Alaska…….