Know any professional wrestling fans?

Okay, so this has nothing to do with being frugal…it’s not even on sale!   But I have to plug this.

My husband is a referee (and wrestler in training) with Global Championship Wrestling (GCW).  They are an independent wrestling company in Alabama.

If you know a wrestling fan who has been a fan for many years, they are likely to know some of the wrestlers that wrestle for GCW who were formerly in WCW, WWE and TNA.  There are also up-and-comers in GCW who will likely go on to WWE or TNA.

This is the first DVD that GCW has released since they started filming their shows in Hi-Def a couple months ago.  It’s 84 minutes long and has 5 matches.

Great father’s day gift for any avid wrestling fan!

OH!  And here, this makes it thrifty:

Amazon is offering a $4 credit to Amazon Video on Demand with any eligible DVD or Blu-Ray purchase. And Global Championship Wrestling – Volume 1 is an eligible purchase!