My FIRST giveaway! Coupon organizer and coupons!

This giveaway is sponsored completely by me.  I am providing the prizes.  :)

I am giving away a coupon organizer and a coupon prize pack.  Here’s how this giveaway will work.

There are four ways to follow this blog.

1.) Feedburner RSS feed – send current posts to your preferred feed reader. 

2.) E-mail subscriber – get a daily digest sent straight to your e-mail.  (see the subscribe box to the left – must verify your e-mail address and be an active subscriber or entry will not count!)

3.) Twitter –  get tweets every time there is a new post.  Sometimes I tweet deals that I don’t blog so following on twitter gets you bonus information!  (Post your twitter name so I can verify!)

4.)  Google Friend Connect/Blogger – scroll down to the bottom left to see this option.

Be sure to leave your e-mail address in ALL your posts, unless you’re a Google Friend Connect follower – your profile will be linked automatically to your comment.  :)

At the bottom of this post I’m going to show you some coupon organizers on Amazon.  I need a new one and I’ve looked at several different ones.  I’m posting some of the ones that I’ve looked at.  YOU have to GUESS which one I picked.  ONE person who picks the RIGHT one, will WIN it!  I’ll be buying two from Amazon.  One for me and one for the winner!

There will be a second winner from ALL entries who will win an envelope stuffed with coupons!

Here is how you must do your FIRST entry:
 1) Leave a comment with ONE way that you subscribe to the blog (from the list above) AND your guess (1-4) for which coupon organizer I have picked.
Here are the options:
#1      #2     #3     #4
Your first entry is the only one you’ll get for the coupon organizer giveaway.  If you would like to also try to win the envelope full of coupons you can do the following entries:

2)  Leave a comment for EACH additional way you follow the blog.  NOT including the one in your first post.  Be sure to leave a seperate comment for each way for it to count as separate entries.  This could give you a TOTAL of 4 entries if you follow all 4 ways.

3) BONUS entries – Blog or Tweet this giveaway.  Leave a comment with the blog post link or Tweet it (be sure to include @abetterlifeblog in the tweet so it’ll show up in my tweet list)  Then comment back here to get credit.  Feel free to blog and tweet – just leave separate comments.  :)  This could give you a total of SIX entries!

Be sure to leave your e-mail address in ALL your posts, unless you’re a Google Friend Connect follower – your profile will be linked automatically to your comment.  :)

I will use to pick the winner.  If the first number that comes up corresponds with a post that contains the CORRECT answer for the coupon holder, that person will win the coupon holder.  The second number generated will win the coupons.  If the first number generated does not correspond with a correct answer – that person will win the coupons and I will continue to generate a number until a WINNING guess is chosen.

You have until Friday, April 16th at 10:00PM CST to enter.  Winner will be announced next Saturday!