I won a blog award! ;]

Dede bestowed this award on me. And I’m flattered. :] When I started this blog back in July I wondered if anyone would really want to read what I had to say. Now, 85 subscribers, 45 Twitter followers and one blog award later…I guess there are people out there that want to read what I write!

The rules for accepting this award:

1.Thank the person that gave you the award

2. Pass this award on to 13 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic!

3. Contact the Bloggers you pick to let them know they’ve won.

4. State 7 Things about yourself!

Here’s the 13 blogs I’m passing the award on too:

1. Couponing to Disneyshe’s the one who encouraged me to get started!
2. Baby Goodbuysone of the first ‘frugal blogs’ I started following!
3. Stockpiling Moms great blog run by a super sweet person!
4. Couponing to be Debt Freebecause I want to be dept free too!
5. Recipes for Momsbecause I love new recipes! (especially easy and cheap ones!)
6. Tales from a Not-So-Desperate Housewife – because she’s my friend and she reads my blog. (I’m not providing the link to her blog however, because it’s her personal blog. :] )
7. The Saving AddictionI think what the do with their $5 challenge is super!
8. Melissa’s Bargain BlogI think her blog is awesome!
9. I Heart Coupon Dealsbecause I heart coupon deals too!
10. DedeLand – okay, so I’m probably cheating because I’m giving it back to the person that gave it to me…but I’m running out of blogs! :}
11. Trying to Stay Calmbecause she has GREAT giveaways!
12. Book Giveawaysbecause I love books!
13. Couponing for Dealsit’s my newest blog subscription :)

Okay, and now 7 things about me:

1. I’m a mom to the most precious 16 month old little boy that I was so afraid I was never going to have. We struggled with infertility for 2 years.

2. My mom passed away in April 2008 after a 2 year battle with cancer. I was 14 weeks pregnant.

3. I teach preschool.

4. I LOVE to scrapbook.

5. I do community theatre. (Well, not as much as I used too…)

6. I do wedding planning & consulting as a side business. (Even though I’ve kinda took this year off so I could spend time with my son…)

7. I hope to be able to stay at home and homeschool my son in 4 years.

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