I don’t have proof, but it seems like Swagbucks is being extra generous for the holiday! I’ve won 5 swagbucks for searches in less than 24 hours. One of my searches rewarded me with THREE Swagbucks! I’ve never won 3 in one search before. And it looks like my referrals have been racking in the bucks since yesterday too! I can see their numbers on my account page and let me tell you, they are high! So thanks to those that have signed up under me and I hope you are enjoying your swagbucks!
I’ve redeemed my swagbucks for $15 in Paypal cash in the last 3 weeks!
Swagbucks is a search engine that rewards you for searching the web. I’ve reset my homepage to Swagbucks so when I open my browser it’s there and I use the search feature just as I would Google or Yahoo search. You win swagbucks for using their search engine. I earn about THREE swagbucks a day just by using their search engine. There are also other ways to get swagbucks. But I’ve mainly just used their search engine.
You redeem your swagbucks for great prizes like Amazon, Target, iTunes or Starbucks giftcards!
Read more posts about swagbucks here.
Sign up for swagbucks here.
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