Baby Center

I joined Babycenter after I found out I was pregnant. I LOVED the week-by-week developmental e-mails that explained how my baby was growing. And each week, it gave you some type of produce to compare your baby’s size too…which is too cute! Early on in my pregnancy, the weekly e-mail said “Your baby is likely the size of a blueberry”, I shared my weekly e-mails with friends and family and from that week on until we found out what we were having, my best friend loving referred to the baby as “Baby Blueberry” :)
One week, I was told the baby was likely to be the size of an orange, then a cantelope….the waaaay into my pregnancy, the size of a watermelon. (Just what every woman wants to hear, right?) LOL!
And after my son was born, the e-mails kept coming, telling me each week how my baby was growing, developmental things that were happening, and special things I could do for him.
I still get the e-mails. Except now instead the subject being “Your Baby This Week” they say “Your Toddler This Week” – which the first one I got (the week he turned one) I nearly cried! But I was a bit emotional that week anyway!
So if you are pregnant or are a new mom, I couldn’t think of any better online resource than BabyCenter.

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