How much do I save?

I’m not as organized as Kristin at Couponing to Disney. I don’t have a counter on the side of my page showing how much I’ve saved. I do not have a “goal” and am not saving up for a particular thing. But I do keep a fairly detailed budget which shows me each month how much I have spent on groceries in that month.

Groceries in our household consist of food for 2 adults, plus baby food (now toddler foods), diapers and formula (which is slowly slacking off…) as well as household products (cleaners, garbage bags, etc.) and personal care items (shampoo, etc.)

Between February and June of this year, we spend an average of $641/month on the above mentioned budget category. With the highest being $733 in April.

I started this blog at the end of June with a personal challenge to myself. (You can read more about by clicking the link)

In the months of July, August and September I have cut my grocery spending down to an average of $420/month. With the lowest being September where I only spent $377!!!

Clearly, coupons play a big part in that but also, shopping with a plan is very important too! After Gavin was born (well, actually, after I went back to work after he was born) I found that it was easier to just go to the closest store 2 or 3 times a week and grab what we needed to get us through the next few days. But I was paying a premium for this!

Now by watching the circulars, clipping coupons and planning my trips, I’ve been able to REALLY trim our spending! I’m so excited! :)

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