Gutzy Gear $25 Backpack Challenge | First Update

20120820-003513.jpgPaying it Forward is Gutzy

A huge thanks to Gutzy Gear for letting me participate in a little blogger challenge.  I’ve been given $25 to use to purchase a backpack and as many school supplies as I can with it.  After the challenge is over, I get to donate the backpack and supplies!

I just wanted to give you a little teaser update.  I started purchasing supplies on August 11th.  See all my stuff?  How much do you think I’ve spent so far?  $5?  $10?

Would you be surprised to know that I’ve only spent $3.63Yes, you read that right.  $3.63!  I have SAVED a total of $27.90.  That’s almost a 90% savings!!

Stay tuned for more on the Gutzy Gear challenge!

This event was sponsored by Gutzy Gear – and powered by Madame Deals Media –