I know summer just started, who wants to think about back-to-school??? But with this deal, you can’t afford to not think about back to school!
This week (7/1-7/7), take an old backpack to Toys ‘R Us and trade it in for 20% off a new backpack priced $12.99 or higher.
AND when you buy any backpack priced at $12.99 or higher, you get a FREE lunch kit (a $9.99 value). So if you can find a $12.99 backpack and get 20% off with your trade in, you would pay $10.39 AND get a FREE lunchbox!
You can’t beat this deal. Bug’s still 2 years away from school and I want to get this deal! (LOOK! There’s a Jake and the Neverland Pirates lunchbox!!!)
Thanks Birmingham Bargain Mom!
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