Easy Weeknight Meals – Taco Bake

When I cook ground beef, I cook large packs of it and freeze what I’m not using right away and save it for another dish another time.   When I want to make Tacos, I cook up a large pack of ground beef (2-4 lbs at a time) and season it all  and freeze what I don’t need for tacos at the present.  This makes tacos for dinner then next time or two real easy because the meat is already cooked and seasoned.  But the other night, I decided to do something different with some of the taco meat I had in the freezer.

So I created a Taco Bake!


  • Ground Beef cooked and seasoned with taco seasoning (about a pound or a little more)
  • 3-4 round flour tortilla shells
  • Ragu cheese sauce
  • Red Onion (optional – we use onion in everything)
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese

Grease the bottom of a round oven safe dish and place a tortilla shell in the bottom. Add a thin layer of meat, some chopped onions and some cheese sauce. Top with another tortilla. More meat, onion and cheese sauce. Another tortilla, meat, onion and cheese sauce. (If you have more meat, you can do it again. NOTE – I didn’t come any where close to using the whole bottle of cheese sauce.)

Bake on 350 degrees for about 10 min – until everything is hot.

Top with lettuce, tomato and shredded cheese.  Slice like a pie and serve.  :)