Toys ‘R Us Liquidation Sales Update | “Up to 30% off” (but mostly 10%) as of 4/5/18

I drove out to Toys ‘R Us today to check out their liquidation sales but I was not impressed.  Oh yes, the signs declare “up to 30% off” but as you will see, it’s overblown.

First off, we went to check out the LEGO sets.  LEGO (and all other “construction” – Mega Blocks, Duplo, etc) was only discounted 5%.  Given that Toys ‘R Us is usually higher than Amazon, 5% doesn’t even cover the fact that we have to pay 9% sales tax on the purchase.

I don’t even think I have ever in my life seen a “5% off sale” before.  Ugh.

Fisher-Price and other “Preschool” Toys were discounted 10%.

Imaginext toys also fell in the 10% off sale.

“Action Play”, like Thomas the Train and other wooden train set brands are 10% off.

Also in the 10% off – all Marvel and Nerf toys.

If you’re still in the market for a Disney Infinity 3.0 Starter Pack they are now 10% off the insanely low clearance price of $3.98

All Skylanders items are 10% off also (making the Skylanders Imaginators game $44.99) but our store had a ton of Skylanders Superchargers figures clearanced out to $1.98 and part of the 10% off sale

I did find some accessories in electronics and the entire category of “Robotics” at 15% off.

But none of this is really anything to get overly excited about it.  In fact, I’m not even underly excited about it.

Turns out, pretty much the only stuff 30% off is seasonal and party items.  Which is over-priced at Toys ‘R Us to begin with.

So unless you just really need to stock up on wrapping paper, bows, party plates and greeting cards, I wouldn’t rush to Toys ‘R Us just yet.

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