52 Weeks to a More Organized Home | #5 Bathroom Drawers and Cabinets

Welcome!  I have decided that 2016 is my year to get my house in order for real.  I’ve created a week-by-week guide focusing on one area at a time.  Yes, I realize a year is a long time.  But I believe it’s the time line needed to make the thorough and permanent changes.  No more surface organizing – we’re getting down and dirty!

So let’s get started!  Each week we will have an assignment, an area of the home to clean up, clean out and organize.  And since cluttered homes are harder to keep organized, there will be an additional challenge each week to help you purge items from your home!

How did you do on your desk/office area last week?  I’ll admit, I only got half done.  But it’s certainly a lot better than it was!

52 Weeks to a More Organized Home | #5 The Bathroom Drawers and Cabinets

Yes, that’s one of my bathroom drawers after I cleaned it out.  I wasn’t showing you a before this week!  This is the top drawer in my bathroom – the one I use the most.   You can see what I need at m fingertips the most, hair clips, toothpaste and essential oils!

I love these little drawer dividers, they really help keeping those most needed things neat and easy to find – they’re the perfect size for my oils too!  The 5-ml bottles fit three wide in one and the 15ml bottles are along the edge of the drawer – held in place because there was just enough space after the dividers to hold them there.   You can search Amazon for the perfect bathroom drawer dividers and storage for your space!

Before you can organize your bathroom spaces – you need to CLEAN OUT.  I found so much stuff in that one little drawer that either needed to be somewhere else or just needed to be thrown away!   If you’re doing the  2016 Clean Out  Challenge you shouldn’t have ANY trouble finding your 40 items to toss this week – bathrooms seem to collect junk!

After you get the junk out you can check out these awesome bathroom organizing hacks!

I have an entire Pinterest board full of ideas like this!  You can check out my Organizing Board here.  Feel free to follow and pin!  Both the bathrooms in our house are tiny so I love these helpful pins:


Imperfect Homemaking made this DIY Hanging Organizer for the inside of the cabinet.  However, I can’t sew a stitch so I would probably buy one, cut it up and use it.  Bonus, one organizer would work in two cabinets at least!

Cabinet space is so sparse in our bathroom that we can’t keep many rolls of toilet paper in there.  We have to keep it in the hall closet.  I love this Fabric Toilet Paper Holder from Make It, Love It.


Life Tricks tells us how to build a shelf over a door for more storage.  I totally need to do this in the hall bathroom!




And in 11 ways to organize with baskets, Organizing Made Fun shows us how to attach wicker baskets directly to the wall.

And I’ve needed to do THIS for a long time for storing my hair dryer!

I would love to hear if you used any of these ideas this week to get your bathroom organized!

Your additional challenge this week:

  • Let’s keep returning  things to their places.  Make it a habit this week to grab one thing from a room before you leave that doesn’t belong in that room and either return it where it belongs, trash it, or add it to the donate box.
  • If you’re doing the 2016 Clean Out  Challenge  you should have tossed 160-170 items already and you’ll need to toss out about 40 items over this week.  (For what it’s worth, I’m NOT counting things going in the yard sale boxes as part of my 2,016 items.  I’ll count them when they’ve actually sold.  I’m only counting things trashed, re-homed or taken to goodwill)

Are you going to join me in having a more organized home?  Comment below!  Leave your tips, questions and suggestions!  Let us know how your week went.   I’ll be honest, I’m about 40 items behind on my 2,016 Item Clean Out Challenge…

Also, tell me about problem areas in your house – everyone’s home is different and I want to make sure we cover all areas during our 52 weeks!

Don’t forget to come back next week for a new challenge!

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