Frugal Summer Fun – Summer Bucket List

Each week Momondealz brings us a fun, frugal kid’s craft!  This week, make a Summer Bucket List with the kids!

Summer Bucket List

Construction Paper

1. Create a list with your child of activities they would like to do during their summer vacation.
2. Cut a T-shirt shape out of construction paper and label each “shirt” with one of your bucket list items.
3. Hang a string on the wall and attach each shirt to the line.

Educational Activities:

  • Make some of your bucket list items into goals. For instance we writing the alphabet for my 3 year old and learning colors for my 1 year old.
  • Math: Use different colored paper to create the t-shirts and create a pattern with the colors. Have your child identify the pattern.
  • Writing: Have your child write about each activity after you complete them.

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