Frugal Kid’s Craft – Nature Art

Here’s this week’s frugal craft from MomonDealz!  Check out Momondealz’s Kids Frugal Fun page.

Nature Art

Mod Podge
Sticks, Rocks, Flowers, Grass, other Nature Items

1. Take a walk with your child and look for items in nature that could be used to create art. Help your child identify certain things and which are appropriate to take as a “treasure”.

2. Cover a sheet of cardstock with Mod Podge (or glue).
3. Allow your child to create words or pictures by laying the “treasures” on the glue. Be sure to have your child ID characteristics of the items while you work (color, shape, size, texture).

Educational Actitivies:

  • Language Arts-1. Have your child spell words or names with the nature items.
    2. Create a nature book with your child. Put one item on each sheet of paper and label the item and have your child write the name of each item.
  • Science-This craft lends itself to just about every single Standard of Learning there is for Kindergarten students.
    1. Have your child describe items both verbally and pictorially by telling you about them and then drawing pictures in a journal when you get back home. Be sure to have them ID colors, shapes, and sizes of the items.
    2. ID the changes in the environment that are happening due to the season change. 3. Play around with larger items by creating shadows with them.
  • Math-When you get home you can have your child measure each object or line all the objects up and measure the complete line. You can group objects by size and count how many are in each size group.

This blog is very kid friendly! See more things for kids:
Activities . Crafts . Frugal Fun . Homeschooling . Preschool . Recipes

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