Money-saving tip: Stock your car when you’re on the go!

When it comes to saving money, no amount is too small. When you find a money saving tip that works for you, run with it! All those little savings add up.

Today’s tip is about saving money when you’re out on the road – to-and-from ball practice, running errands, etc – you know, those days where you feel like you spent all day in your car!

It’s so tempting to swing through a drive-thru for lunch or grab a snack at a convenience store. But that’s not saving money! What can you do instead?

Pack healthy snacks and bottled water in the car.

Yes, it takes a little planning. But if you make it a habit, you can save big! During the winter it’s nice because you can keep drinks in the car and they will stay cold. But in the summer, keep a small cooler or insulated bag in the car. Freeze a couple bottle of waters and toss them in the cooler with some juice boxes for the kids (you won’t even need ice/ice packs if the waters are frozen!). You can also pack snacks in the car (that you bought frugally, of course!) to prevent you from having to pick up non-frugal items while you’re out.

I’ve even gone so far as to toss a few lunchables or sandwiches in the cooler if I know we’ll be out at lunch time. We “pause” our errands and stop at the closest park and eat our lunch. When you are out all day running errands with a 2 year old, this is a fabulous idea! Lunch outside, a few minutes to play, it helps keep Bug from melting down in the next store if we stop and do something “fun”. And I love that I don’t have to spend $10 at McDonald’s to feed us while we are out! This would also be a great idea for after ball practice – since you’re already at the park anyway, why not picnic?

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